it's funny, when i look at my blog posts i notice an interesting trend- i often say i will do something and then i don't do it! for instance, last post i said pictures would follow, and they didn't. and earlier i set out to re-disgn my laundry room while my husband was gone. i got about as far as installing a new dryer vent and looking at paint chips and then gave up.... i think this has something to do with the fact that i see my blog as a place to characterize myself, define my aspirations, and type out my daily dreams. hence the blog title....
in all, i guess you can say this blog is one of my escapes.
i've realized lately, as i've been going through a lot of stress, that i have little escapes i retreat to everyday. of course my husband is the top of the list, but i also have other little things i like to run to, such as blogging. last week when my mind was running 100 miles a minute, i marched over to the rock-climbing wall at my gym and ferociously set out to get to the top... then my arms reminded me i have no upper body strength. it was a painful, but glorious escape. i made it to the top (with a lot of help from the big guy belaying me, and a few people cheering for me from the bottom). in the process i forgot all my stresses, nearly killed myself, and walked around with unbelievable soreness for days in muscles i didn't even know i had.
today, after another long but wonderful day of classes, i found myself at the book store escaping once again. this time, though, i was escaping into an issue of "this country home." and i realized something about myself. i have loved interior design for a long time, but today i realized it is one of my escapes. when i pick up a decor magazine and thumb through the pages, i run away for a bit into my own secret world. i'm instantly and flawlessly transported into other people's feelings, moods, tastes, and worlds. all my "somedays" are fulfilled, and inevitably it gets me dreaming about the day when i'll have a big house of my own to fill with antiques, kids running around, and a big, dirty dog.
join me on an escape, and ask yourself... what are your daily hide-a-ways?

from dress design decor

from material girls