Thursday, September 02, 2010

Autumn in Virginia

Well, school has begun again, and I find myself in a new place: a new city, a new state, a new side of the country, and a new school. So far I am enjoying Virginia quite a bit. I haven't gotten too far in my explorations, as school work is keeping me busy! But, here's my list of "to-do's" for the next couple months in this green new state:

-go antique hunting.
I'm in the East, for heavens sake, I must go antique shopping. Even though I don't have a dime to spare right now, most of the joy is the hunt anyways. Perhaps I'll start working soon and save up some money just for antique buying.

-go to D.C.
I can't wait to do this. We were going to go last weekend, but that didn't end up working out. I also definitely want to go in the Spring to see the cherry blossoms.

This is a must! Especially since my dear friend Emily lives there now.

-find a firefly-infested forest.
I've heard about these from my Darling husband, and we're determined to find one together.

-drive up to Connecticut for the weekend.
I don't know if it's my love of Gilmore Girls that's implanted me with this desire or not; but in any case I want to go spend a weekend in this beautiful state sometime this Autumn.

And that is all for now. The only few things I would change right now are that I'd like to have a whole foods that's closer to me, and I wish we lived in a different unit in our apartment complex: we have two Asian girls (2 and 6) above us and they love to run around all day and bang on their piano......... ouch.

Other than that, the move has been splendid. The kitties are adjusting, and we are getting ever near-er to being unpacked.

Pictures to follow----

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